Guidelines To Author: |
Cover Page :
A cover page as a separate file attachment.
- Title of Paper
- Name of Author
- Academic Departments
- Institutional Affiliation of Author
- Positions of Author
- Mailing Address
- Email Address
- Mobile Number
Abstract : |
Summarize an article useful for browsing or keywords searching a brief set of statements that summarize, classifies, evaluate or describes the important points of a text.
Keywords :
Introduction and statement of the problem, identifies the need for the work and poses the research question.
Review of Literature :
Places the work in context, restatement of the research question as an Hypothesis.
Method :
Do the sample, measures, methods, observation, procedure and statistical analysis ensure internal and external validity!
Integration :
Does the study provide a good test of the theory and hypothesis or sufficient empyreal grounds for building new theory.
Points to may be covered in the research paper :
- Brief Biodata
- Abstract
- Problems
- Significance
- Scope and Limitations
- Methodology
- Statistics Used
- Conclusions
- Recommendations
- References
Note : If any important point absent, article will be rejected.
Conceptual Paper :
- Paper should be on reflective thinking
- It should contain novel ideas / information
- It may be of worldwide importance
- Criticism on Ph.D. Research
- Review of M.Phil. / Ph.D. research
Style :
- English : Font Size - 12 pt, Font Name - Times New Roman
- Hindi & Marathi : Font Size - 12pt, Font Name - Kruti Dev 010, Shivaji
- The paper should start with an introduction and should end with a conclusion summarizing the findings of the paper
- Fact of papers presented/submitted in a conference/seminar or minor / major research project must be clearly mentioned at the bottom of the first page of the manuscript and the author should specify with whom the copyright rests
- Manuscripts including tables, figures and references should be around 3000-4000 words for articles. 1000 words for book reviews
How to submit :
While submitting the paper the author must give a declaration that "The article has not been published or sent for publication".
There is no deadline for submission.
If authors more than one please mention who are main and who are co-authors.
Submit soft copy of article at :
Submit a hard copy of the Article along with a soft copy (CD) at:
258/34, Raviwar Peth,
Solapur - 413 005,
Maharashtra, India
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